Should they just put Kavanaugh and Ford in a dark room with a case of beer and let them work out their unfinished business?
Should they just put Kavanaugh and Ford in a dark room with a case of beer and let them work out their unfinished business?
I say we subject Kavanaugh to a Boofing and then question him.
40 ounces of Vodka down the gully!
This beats a lie detector test. If he can pass that, he's good.
That is not how justice works
- Why all of a sudden Ford doesn't count anymore, and now it is all about the sham of beer that counts? What is next for the democrats to come up with? Could it be that the democrats will come up with now Kavanaugh has to much toe jam to be a Supreme Court Justice?
- Is it typical of Trump supporters for them to call for the arrest and jailing of crime victims if they DARE to accuse their attackers? "Candace Owens attacked Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's accuser Dr. Christine Blasey Ford on Wednesday, saying that she should be jailed."
- When General Motors was going bankrupt and Obama bailed them out where they for sale to companies like Ford? Were they for sale to companies like Ford or did they refuse to sell out to another company and would rather disappear forever?
- Are people in the media who say's Ford testimony was credible just covering their butts so they don't get attacked by me tooers? How can testimony that can't be corroborated be credible. Can't remember where, when or who else was there.