Should Democrat activist and liar Christine Ford be subpoenaed to testify before congress? She needs to be placed under oath?
Should Democrat activist and liar Christine Ford be subpoenaed to testify before congress? She needs to be placed under oath?
I wouldn't say she is democrat, but republicans should not allow women to interview her just like Muslim men do it.
Yes! Absolutely! Bet they give her a pass. The GOP in Congress don't have the stones to question her. They are so spineless it's sickening to call myself a Republican sometimes. Two RINOs have already defected. It would have probably been 3 if McCain were still alive.
Yes--or admit she lied
People under oath lie. I wouldn't give her an opportunity to talk at all.
No she won't be subpoenaed, and we really already know what she might say and when that might have happened.
She is just another brain dead DEM that should be hospitalized as they have no knowledge of what the truth is nor do the care they are consumed by hatred for our presidrnt.
- Shouldn't congress pass the eye for an eye Christine Ford law where Ford has to follow Sharia law if she can't provide 4 male witnesses? Paying by 100 lashes for not knowing the date of the assault, not knowing any of the details of her claims, and not having ANY witnesses that unknown night because nothing happened.
- Ford said under oath that she didn't know the Senate Judiciary Committee offered to interview her in California. Her attorney wrote? To the committee before her testimony: "Dr. Ford has asked me to let you know that she appreciates the various options you have suggested". Who is lying Ford or her attorney or both?
- Don't you think that if Mark Judge has to testify under oath, he will quickly remember the address of the house? Where Dr. Ford was assaulted and which one of his friends lived there? The letter his lawyer signed is meaningless.
- Blasey Ford if you go back and see her face when she first enters the courtroom tells you she is a liar.She is to damn happy.Right? Blasey Ford if you go back and see her face when she first enters the courtroom tells you she is a liar. She is to damn happy.Right?