Should Christine Blasey Ford and the others be brought to civil court and sued for slander and defamation crushing them into poverty? Yes?
Should Christine Blasey Ford and the others be brought to civil court and sued for slander and defamation crushing them into poverty? Yes?
You guys are welcome to try, although you'll be in for a rude awakening as you learn what those words actually mean.
While I think the whole furore is stupid, she is only acting on her own beliefs, whether right or wrong. So, slander and defamation don't enter into the argument.
So the other 40 unquestioned people can testify? Bring it on, boy.
You play the game, you take your chances.
No the standard for such won't allow that, and for Ms. Ford she has already paid a price and will continue to pay it.
I'm sure some are already calling for it, but I disagree. I don't know what happened to Dr. Ford, but I believe something did. It seemed clear to me that she has a psychological problem of some kind and I feel considerable sympathy for her. Attempting to prosecute her would be nearly as bad as violating her trust.
Certainly, along with Sen Frankenstein.
That is the one thing Kavanaugh will never do for it opens him to full investigation and he knows he will lose.
Since Ford passed a lie dictator test and Kavahaugh apparently refused a lie dictator test and Ford identified people who would corroborate her testimony but the FBI was apparently not allowed to talk to those people this is a scam. A defamation case is a joke.
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