Wrong sparkplug put in truck?

I have a 93 ford ranger, for some reason thought it was a 97. Put sparkplugs in for a 97, not sure if that's bad or if the sparkplugs for the two years are pretty much the same. Been driving it around fine, just don't wanna do damage to it.

Look online for the spark plugs that are required for your vehicle, then compare to the ones you installed… If they are the same, especially the plug gap that you of course checked and adjusted before installation ( ? ), then it's OK

Problem is not just the gap it is the length of the threads if you put in a plug that is too long the threads will be exposed in the cylinder and will carbon up. You risk the chance of never getting them out it if gets too bad. Check to make sure the plug recommended is the same if not, replace them with the correct ones.

I would call the parts place you bought them from and see if that part matches a 93 plug, there are many plug versions and type that interchange, alot have to do with heat range and length of plug tip, in the end though a plug is a plug, but wouldnt hurt to check.