How much is my 1992 Ford Ranger custom, 4x4, with 250000km worth?
How much is my 1992 Ford Ranger custom, 4x4, with 250000km worth?
40 dollars for every year it's been around.
- How much is a 2000 ford ranger with 170,000 miles and 3 inch body lift worth? It is a stepside, extended cab. It has a few probs… Window on drivers side doesn't work… Electric windows… And the tires are kinda bald… It also has a slight oil leak somewhere… It always leaves little dots of oil when it is parked. It does burn any oil at all though. What would it be worth you think?
- 1992 ford ranger tail light not working? 1992 ford ranger, the rear running lights don't come on when i turn the headlights on. They use the same bulb as the brakes and the turn signals but both of those works, there's no voltage coming through the wire that is for the running lights when the switch is on, however the license plate lights both have 12.18V coming through and they light up. Could it be the wire has frayed over time? If not what else could it be?
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- How is fording a river in a manual 4x4 different to an automatic 4x4? I had forded a river with a LR Defender before and usually stuck it in Low 2nd gear and push through the river at 2-3k rpm. Luckily I never got stuck in the middle but I remember reading somewhere that it is easier to ford rivers with an automatic gearbox due to the lack of clutch housing? Since automatic gearbox won't really stall in the middle of the river, would it be okay to shift it in reverse if stuck?