Nancy Pelosi disgusted?

"Trump Taunts Christine Blasey Ford at Rally"
- New York Times, 10/2/2018

I'm disgusted and heartbroken.

Trump is mocking and shaming a sexual assault survivor. I can't imagine the pain Dr. Ford and every sexual assault survivor must feel listening to this.

I refuse to accept this as the new normal. This is not who we're as a country.

Someone must put Trump in check -- and that someone is you. Now more than ever, I need your help to take back the House to put a stop to Trump's agenda.

Republicans in Washington are spineless. They won't stand up to Trump's repulsive behavior.

This upcoming election is the most important in our lifetime. I truly believe our country's moral compass and democratic values are at stake.

If Republicans won't keep the leader of their party in check, we will. I'm asking you to make a contribution so we can take back the House.

Do not stand by and let the disgusting behavior in Washington continue.

After Dr. Ford's and Kavanaugh's testimony, why did Donald Trump think Dr. Ford's testimony was credible only to flip flop at the rally?

After Dr. Ford's and Kavanaugh's testimony, why did Donald Trump think Dr. Ford's testimony was credible only to flip flop at the rally?

Added (1). At 0:35 of this video

Donald Trump said about Dr. Ford's testimony, quote unquote, "certainly she a very credible witness" Again, this was after she and Kavanaugh gave their testimony.

Then Trump most recently mocked her at a Mississippi rally.

If you think Trump mocked her because he thought she was not credible, okay, but my question is… Why did Donald Trump say that Dr. Ford was credible before the rally? Why the flip flop?

Added (2). At 1:06 here if you can't see it in the first link

Added (3). @The Game · The Facts are that at 1:06 of the video, you clearly hear Trump say that Ford was "a very credible witness" That's a fact. Trump changed his position at a rally in Mississippi later on.

Again, my question is why did Trump say she was credible before the rally?