Did Ford get good legal advice?
Did Ford get good legal advice?
Did Ford get good legal advice?
Should the FBI investigate Feinstein for leaking Ford's letter to the press?
Added (1). Don't vote Democrat
Why did Trump lie about Blasey Ford not knowing where she was and how long ago it was when she was assaulted in a speech to his base?
Either Kavanaugh or Ford lied under oath. Who lied?
Trumptards keep claiming that Blasey Ford's allegations were not corroborated, but has anyone actually disproved her allegations?
Should Feinstein be investigated and/or charged for withholding Ford's letter from the committee until the very last moment?
If she did.
Wouldn't that have but a crimp in Kavanaugh's confirmation to be the subject of a criminal investigation for sexual assault?
Why hasn't she reported it to the police?
What do you make of Ford's ex fiancé pointing out her many lies she gave under oath?
Why are Dr Ford's lawyers refusing Committee request to turn over Therapist notes and Polygraph?
Does bigfoot have more corroborating witnesses than Christine Ford?