Dems in your mind, how can Kavanaugh prove his innocence? Ford doesn't remember where it took place, what year it took place or who was there?
Other than providing documented evidence of every minute of his life how can he prove his innocence?
Other than providing documented evidence of every minute of his life how can he prove his innocence?
We all know how Feinstein likes to hire Chinese spies. What say you?
I'm being totally serious. "We were at some party, and you were there, and Kavanaugh was there and…"
That is how you would not know who you went with, or when it happened, or where it was, or how you got home. You only remember a couple details and one "scene".
In all seriousness, her story sounds like someone telling about a dream…
Added (1). It explains how nobody else who what "there" remembers it happening.
Why did Christine Blasey Ford lie about flying, polygraph and the one door thing?
"Candace Owens attacked Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's accuser Dr. Christine Blasey Ford on Wednesday, saying that she should be jailed."
She stated exactly who, what, when etc…
Which one do you think should be the new senator?
It is not just me telling this. Half of the country feels this way. Even the former justice Supreme Court John Paul Stevens feels this temperament unacceptable.
Forget Ford and all the sexual assault allegations for a moment.
A SCOTUS judge should deal with problems in a calm and composed manner. If Kavanaugh gets so emotional just to get appointed, how can we trust him with the position in nation's highest judge for his entire lifetime
When women like Artemisia would drop her panties in a second for a man like Kavanaugh, how can anybody believe Christine Ford? Kavanaugh can have any woman he wants.
He wasn't that desperate. He was in the "in" crowd. Women loved him. It doesn't add up.
is this a fantasy of Christine Ford? Seems like it.