Do Dr Christine Ford's beady eyes prove she is a liar?
Do Dr Christine Ford's beady eyes prove she is a liar?
Do Dr Christine Ford's beady eyes prove she is a liar?
Dr. Ford is a lying Ho
Hey, Hey, Yo, Yo
Lifetime appointment here we go
What is the most acceptable way that Kavanaugh could have found out whether or not Ford was putting out back when their encounter occurred?
Do you think that Billy Boy Clinton will want to grope Dr Ford since she is the Dems new darling?
Should Christine Blasey Ford and the others be brought to civil court and sued for slander and defamation crushing them into poverty? Yes?
Won't you be happy when Kavanaugh is sworn in and we can really say what we want to about tha nut case Ford?
If Dr Ford called you from a party & said she'd had Too Much to Drink & she needed a Ride Home would you go & pick her up?
Explain to me what makes Dr. Ford's allegations credible and why senators keep saying that it was credible?
And she wanted a separate entrance so clients wouldn't be going through her home.
She said under oath she had the second door installed because she is claustrophobic because of Kavanaugh allegedly touching her.
How many lies are the senators going to overlook?
Why did Ford withdraw consent?