Would you buy a Ford Excursion?
Would you buy a Ford Excursion?
Would you buy a Ford Excursion?
Justice Kavanaugh has refused to accept $600,000 in GoFundMe raised for him. Blasey Ford has accepted $700,000. Is this all you need to know?
I bought a suv from a dealer (ford) my paper registration goes up today. They just now text me. Text not call, telling me "
So the gentleman from our registration department told me to finish the registration process he needs to do a quick VIN inspection. It only tak es a couple minutes the said. Can you bring the vehicle in today? If so what time?" The thing is I'm out of town. Even then how long till I get my license plate. So far this has been a horrible experience for me. Told me the suv only had two owners only two dents nothing hardcore. Which I saw and got them out easy. However my back window does not roll up found that out a few days later, how buying it.
I was just wondering what could happen to me if I get pulled over, of there's anything I can do to help me out etc…
No record of her holding a license to practice psychology?
Libs keep claiming the FBI didn't interview Christine Ford. What difference would that have made, she already told her story?
Are the sponsors of the young men's caravan going to drop them as soon as their political usefulness is over like they did Ford?
And despite that every person she listed as a witness made a statement in a sense said Ford was wrong… The lib brain… Get even at Trump…> yep - Kavanaugh did it.
Is it true that a presidents policies don't kick in until after 2-3Yrs if so, is it Trumps fault that Ford and others are doing mass layoffs?
Just curious about how this makes a person feel to hear this. It typically takes about two-Three years for the new presidents policies to start to affect the economy and it seems to be the case here as well. How does this make you as a Ford worker or advanced manufacturing worker feel? What's your opinion on it?