What type of oil should I use in a 2004 ford tarus?
What type of oil should I use in a 2004 ford tarus? - 1
What type of oil should I use in a 2004 ford tarus? - 1
Differences between ford forerunner and a jeep grand Cherokee? - 1
A 66/67 rosd test article Give this GT a lot of room. About the ford fairlane GT?
Added (1). A 1966 /67road test article on the ford fairlane GT "Give this GT a lot of room".
How much is it to replace a rack and pinion? On a 2003 ford Tarus! Machanic told me i need one?
Ford falcon sedan 6cyl 91hp 1960
dodge lancer sedan 6cyl 101hp 1961
ford galaxie 500 coupe 6cyl 150hp 1970
renault 16 gl 4cyl 55hp 1965
How much would it cost to run straight pipe to and out my cat with NO MUFFLER. I have a ford 5.8? - 1
What is the difference between 2016 ford limited and 2016 ford platinum? - 1
How to fix a bad gas gage 0n 2006 ford f100? - 1
Ford pinto 2LT engine
firing order CW 1-3-4-2
i plugged wires wrong order by mistake.
i saw smoke out of carb through foam air filter and boom sound from exhaust, it was terrible.
so i corrected order, car hardly started after a few try, but it doesn't idle!
i opened idle screw from carb all the way.
Now it idles with vibration and loss of power
i removed every plug while car is working. Number 4 wire doesn't affect idle.
so my wire dead when exhaust "boom"?
what can be other problems?
I need rich towns contains the name ford for example Brad ford or Hill Ford can you find one? - 1