Location of the oil fill on a Ford 4500 backhoe?
Location of the oil fill on a Ford 4500 backhoe?
Location of the oil fill on a Ford 4500 backhoe?
Where can I view a service manual for a Ford 4500 backhoe?
My guess is that it is near zero, and my guess is the lady acceptes the clumsy approach about half of the time. The other half being he realized the blunder and let her go. Very few women are noting at all, and only a few of them would be sane. If the above situation is approximately true, then it basically means that a guy gets into trouble when he over estimates his appeal. It also means that there are basically 3 divisions of men. The first would be the guy who can't commit an assault because he is never refused. The second is the guy who recognizes his limitations and so he never tries. It is the third group who has the trouble. The guy who overestimates who he is, or underestimates who she thinks she is, and causes a conflict. So, what is your guess as to the percent of women who only know men of group 2.
Already they're pretending Brett Kavanaugh's mother ruled against Dr. Ford's parents in a 1996 foreclosure case. But she actually ruled in favor of them. This reminds me of when Republicans accused Roy More's accuser of forgery until someone burned her house down.
Are Dems setting a trap for Kavanaugh because it's not he said/she said. There's another witness since Ms Ford said another was there?
Added (1). So there were 2 people there according to Ms Ford. Who was that other person? May be Dems plan was to let Kavanaugh give false testimony and then bring out the other witness…
She also had never met Kavanaugh before. Given all of this and given that no one else can remember Kavanaugh being at the party isn't it likely that she made a mistake
Is Kavanaugh's accuser Christine Blasey Ford under police protection paid for by taxpayers who will foot her extravagant trip to DC too?
Should Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Ford both take polygraphs using a polygraph operator that both teams agree on?
Christine Ford told the FBI what happened to her months ago. They gave her a polygraph, she passed. Then DoJ did. Nothing. WHY?
It is much more likely that Ford was out of her mind drunk and making a pass at the quarterback. So the quarterback handed her off to one of his buddies. What is known about the present day Ford is that she has had a lot of psychiatry, and that means she has a lot of stories back in her younger days. It time to stop being fooled by the democrats.