Can I start the mefirst movement so Ford can justify her as she goes fantacy?
Can I start the mefirst movement so Ford can justify her as she goes fantacy?
Can I start the mefirst movement so Ford can justify her as she goes fantacy?
Do liberals throwing unsubstantiated mud always get to win?
Added (1). Unless, of course, the next telling of her story varies quite a lot from what we have heard so far.
Dr. Ford's character and reputation are beyond reproach, so why are contards so eager to crucify her?
First of all I would like to say that Kavanaugh is a good man and a good American, what he has been put through is inconsolable.
The accuser Ford has a checkered past, can we really believe the words of such an improper woman who was willing to sleep around with men at such a young age?
Does this sound all too familiar to another drug using teen who grew up mostly in the 70's inventing memories to fill in the large gaps of her memory lost because of her drug usage, it explains why her memories are so vague about entire sections of her life as such times?
I will let you decide.
If Ford doesn't appear Monday as requested should the vote be taken?
She hasn't even provided any testimony yet, how the heck would they know if it is credible.
If Kavanaugh testifies first how will Committee members know what to ask him if they haven't heard the details of Ford's allegations?
Why would Kavanaugh testify before his accuser? Isn't there burden of proof on Ford?
That would discredit her accusations?