Why won't Ford file a police report?
There's NO statue of limitation in Maryland for sexual assault of a minor, so don't even try that excuse.
There's NO statue of limitation in Maryland for sexual assault of a minor, so don't even try that excuse.
That the Republicans didn't want her to subpeona?
Why did Diane Feinstein allow Ford's name to leak?
I don't know if Kavanaugh or Ford is telling the truth. I have been lied to MANY times and believed them. I NEED EVIDENCE!
Added (1). You want to talk about the EVIDENCE for or against, let's talk. You want to talk about who got your tears flowing, Old Yeller got my tears flowing and that was entirely fake.
Added (2). To the anonymous COWARD who blocks me but post answers on MY questions,
CALL FOR A POLICE INVESTIGATION! You don't want that, because you don't want innocent until proven guilty or JUSTICE. You instead want a virtue signalling media circus.
If you want to answer my questions, UNBLOCK ME YOU COWARD!
36 years later its still this giant issue in her life?
Sound sympathetic and outraged for various reasons. It was phony, sounded like lectures, and fake concern for either Kavanaugh or Ford. Just speeches. What say you?
Should Trump have Melania give Blasey Ford the Hillary schmear treatment?
Seems like they are just using Dr. Ford to delay things and don't care about her at all
Ford says she'll move to New Zealand if Kav gets confirmed. Do you think NZ's communists will let her have a house with 2 front doors?