One simple question for libturds: HOW ON EARTH DID YOU THINK YOU'D GET AWAY WITH THIS? CHRISTINE FORD? THAT is the best you could do?
One simple question for libturds: HOW ON EARTH DID YOU THINK YOU'D GET AWAY WITH THIS? CHRISTINE FORD? THAT is the best you could do?
It's good enough.
You aren't terribly with it. It isn't the Dems fault, it's Kavanaugh fault.
The best I could do would be to eliminate Trumpsters.
The whole thing is just a delay tactic and a distraction from the corruption being found out in the FBI and the DOJ.
This is the Hail-Mary… Load the end zone and chunk it… Good news, this will end Diane Finestine's carrier (I think she is ready to quit after they forced her to commit this fraud), Bad news… We will see a real wack-a-doodle replace her.
It's been a pathetic ploy.
- 35+ years ago
- time and location unknown
- none of her friends will support her
- She never told anyone until she 'allegedly' told her therapist, even then she never mentioned Kavanaugh or his friend by name, and has since changed key details.
- Her lawyer is a cynical leftist zealot hack who defended Al Franken and Bill Clinton against 'tramps' (Joy Behar's words)
- Kavanaugh, Judge, and one of Ford's best friends (the only 'witnesses') denied it ever happened
- Bogus 'polygraph' (there's no such thing as a 'lie detector test')
- Senator Feinstein held onto the letter for 6 weeks until the hearings were over, and only then submitted it to the FBI to stall the hearings BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY
Christine Ford is a cynical lying sack of sh! T.
F_ck it! ALL liberals are cynical lying sacks of sh! T (and that ESPECIALLY includes the lying sacks of sh! T Y! A liberals who post here).
You sons of b^tches will fail. Kavanaugh will be the next Supreme Court Justice.
Kavanaugh is typical of what Republicans idolize. Rich white kid born to privilage, believes he is entitled to a better life and fewer consequences for his selfishness, rude, pugnacious, angry and defensive behavior.
I ask you? Are these the traits of a highly qualified and judicial scholar?
More like a cheap political hack to me.
Prove it.
- What did you think of the testimony earlier? Did it change your mind? It made me go from full-on supporting Ford to wanting the state of Maryland to investigate. If a crime happened, it was at the state level. I believe Ford's testimony to be credible enough to warrant some kind of investigation.
- Is there anyone on earth that believes Christine Blasey Ford told the truth? Or that any democrat in the senate believed her? Or that Senator frankenstein had the letter for months but "forgot" she had the letter until 1 day before the vote? Most of my facebook friends are overseas, and NOT ONE PERSON says he/she believes her BS. The lie detector test had only 2 questions and was given by her lawyer… AND SHE REFUSED TO SHOW THE RESULTS!
- Did Ford Broncos ever come from the factory with a 460? I heard that you could get them in Canada? I need some sort of proof that you could by a factory bronco with a 460. I was told you could by them in Canada and possibly Mexico. The only thing that I have found is a VIN 2FTHF26GXLCB20791.