Now that Feinstein is finished using her where does Christine Blasey Ford go to get her reputation and her privacy back?

Now that Feinstein is finished using her where does Christine Blasey Ford go to get her reputation and her privacy back?


You mean now that Donald Trump has done mocking her for telling the truth?

To her Go-Fund-Me account.

But she made a cool Half Million on Go Fund Me.

She'll be dismissed with a $50 check and some Cracker Barrel coupons.

She willingly entered this charade.

She has a good reputation and told the truth in my opinion. This is what they do to the victims, it was even worse in the past.

Where does Kavanaugh go to get back his reputation? He is the victom in all this, no corroboration for Ford means he is the victom of the lefts smear campaign. Have they apologized to him yet, has the media apologized to him for hanging him with no evidence? Has even one lib around here apologized?