No matter what Dr. Ford says or does Kavanagh will be our next Supreme Court Justice?
No matter what Dr. Ford says or does Kavanagh will be our next Supreme Court Justice?
That's true. I wonder what the liberals will come up with next.
I'm glad you set the tone for this.
What a tool
Maybe. And maybe confirming him will turn off more women voters, so Democrats will gain even more seats in November.
Nothing is guaranteed at this point.
Americans recognize this woman's accusations are nothing more than a desperate attempt by angry, but hurt Libshits to delay the vote. Libshits are about to reap what they've sown, thanks to Harry Reid, it's only going to take 50 senators to vote yes.
Probably not… The rinos are faithfully obeying their demoncrat masters… The delaying tactics have worked
Is that why an extension was just granted?
Cons know Kavanaugh is on a sinking ship. They are just delaying the inevitable.
- Isn't it hard to force the EU to buy our cars? Ford announced they'll stop making regular cars, and they don't want our gas guzzling SUVs? Or huge trucks. That's what part of this trade war is about fyi, our products that they don't even want. Interesting, but 10% vs 2.5% isn't exactly earth shattering on cars. Plus that article's talking about OBAMA'S proposed free trade not Trumps.
- Has left wing liar Christine Ford sealed Judge Kavanaugh's appointment to the US Supreme Court for 35 years of conservative rulings? President Trump will have another nomination to send to the Senate when Ginsburg leaves. We now have the lowest women's, black and Hispanic unemployment in US history. Democrats can no longer bully women around because of President Trump Stevie Nicks has come back from retirement. Vote Republican in November My Class of 1973
- Do you agree with Lindsey Graham that not serving on the supreme court means your life is ruined? He says he's not going to "ruin Kavanaugh's life" over Dr. Ford's allegations. Not having the opportunity to serve on the supreme court means your life is ruined? well gee, a lot of people don't serve on the supreme court. in fact, most people don't.
- Could a Democratic President ever nominate a swing vote to the Supreme Court? Gerald Ford swing voter: John Paul Stevens Reagan swing voters: Anthony Kennedy Sandra Day O'Connor GHW Bush swing voter: David Souter NO SUCH THING FOR LIBERALS?