Nancy Pelosi disgusted?
"Trump Taunts Christine Blasey Ford at Rally"
- New York Times, 10/2/2018
I'm disgusted and heartbroken.
Trump is mocking and shaming a sexual assault survivor. I can't imagine the pain Dr. Ford and every sexual assault survivor must feel listening to this.
I refuse to accept this as the new normal. This is not who we're as a country.
Someone must put Trump in check -- and that someone is you. Now more than ever, I need your help to take back the House to put a stop to Trump's agenda.
Republicans in Washington are spineless. They won't stand up to Trump's repulsive behavior.
This upcoming election is the most important in our lifetime. I truly believe our country's moral compass and democratic values are at stake.
If Republicans won't keep the leader of their party in check, we will. I'm asking you to make a contribution so we can take back the House.
Do not stand by and let the disgusting behavior in Washington continue.
Trump is right to mock a liar and a Clinton henchwoman Democrats prepeare for a slaughter in November lefty liberals are finished in DC. Liberals crying wiped out in November 2018 Trump relected in 2020 and 2024 another Republican wins and again in 2028.
So YOU think mocking sexual assault victims is the decent thing to do?
LOL Nutty Nancy and her hypocrisy
Sexual assault is disturbing and disgusting. It's only honorable in Trumpworld.
Trump was not mocking anyone. He was pointing out a few of the emerging weaknesses and flaws in Ford's testimony. What is wrong with that? As it turns out, essentially nothing she said turns out to be true.
Where's the question?
As a society we allow sexual assault "survivors" to self-identify. We allow them to claim victim status, no proof required, and that's fine. But when a survivor/victim makes a public allegation against someone with absolutely no proof whatsoever, then she deserves the criticism.
It is pretty low of trump to mock Ford, even for him.
Pelosi is lower than Ford, Feinstein, Boxer and Hillary.
She is however on a par with Maxine Waters.
Aren't you ready for fast pitch yet?
- If Trump and Pence both resign could President Pelosi appoint Hillary to the vice-presidency with Senate approval? Keep in mind President Nixon appointed Gerald Ford to the vice-presidency. Later President Ford appointed Nelson Rockefeller to the vice-presidency!