My 1996 ford aerostar 3.0 heater core is leaking how do i remove the dash so i can change the heater core?

My 1996 ford aerostar 3.0 heater core is leaking how do i remove the dash so i can change the heater core? - 1

Get a Haynes manual. Do not forget to DISCONNECT the battery first. You have to remove the steering wheel (you will need a puller), then the radio, then the dash. 8 hours to remove and reinstall if you have worked on cars before.

Hi so you have just found the main reason why the car finds itself on the scrap heap. The cost and man hours involved in carrying out this repair are why so many cars get scrapped.

This is quite a big job, if your not familiar with working on cars. You might want to think about taking it to a shop and let them do it.

Try a tube of Alumaseal. It has fixed many small heater core leaks for me and my friends. And no, it doesn't block up the radiator.