How much would my 2008 limited Edition breast cancer awareness sell for?

I have a 2008 Ford breast cancer awareness mustang, it's in good condition and the miles is at 130,000, I also put LED lights in the head lights and reverse lights. Any recommendations on how much I could sell it for?

About $10,000

Limited Edition breast cancer awareness doesn't add much.

It would be about the same as a normal, everyday 2008 Mustang.

None of the items you mention (the edition, lights, etc.) add any value to the vehicle. The "Warriors in Pink" package only added minor aesthetic items.

No more than any other Mustang of that year model and condition. There are no "breast cancer awareness" car collectors out there. In fact, many potential buyers will not be interested in the car for that reason. Therefore, you should deduct about 10% from the value you find for your car on and I hope you didn't pay extra for the car when you bought it.