How long does it take to update sync3?

I downloaded the update to a flash drive and am currently updating it. It's been about a hour and a half and still going. Here's no progress bar so not sure how far along it is. Trying to update it to the sync 3 version 3.0 I think it is.

2016 Ford Mustang.

Cancel and start over

It takes a while. I have 2016 Mustang GT Premium, It took about 30 minutes to upgrade from 2.2 to 3.0. That was with a USB 3.0 flash drive. Keep in mind, that the type of flash drive you use does factor into how long it takes. An older USB 2.0/1.0 drive will take noticeably longer, and a flash drive that's less than 32GB will either flat out not work, or will get stuck or error out. I used a 64GB USB 3.0 drive and it works fine. A 32GB drive should work as well. Also keep in mind that sometimes it will take upwards of 5-10 minutes before the flash drive is detected and the process starts. If the car loses battery power at any point, you'll have to start over.

With the 3.0 update, when it's about 3/4 of the way done, Sync 3 will shut down and restart, this is normal, but it might take another few minutes before it resumes the update. Once it's done, you'll get a message saying that the update is complete, but it's common to have some weirdness (different colors/fonts/themes, and nav not working or showing up) until you complete turn the car off (battery power needs to be off) and then turn the car back on once or twice.