2016 Ford Mustang Or Chevy Camaro 2016?

Which one is overall better. Which one looks better? I can afford a v8 but I don't want to fill up my gas tank every 3 days because I drive far. Which one do you like the look of more?

Ford mustang… But it's all preference

Mustang because they look better and I don't like gm.

WHAT? Its choice. Its your choice, not ours. How can we tell you which one looks better, not sure about you but I live for me, not what other people tell or say. GRow a pair & pick to your likings, not everyone elses

If your worried about fuel economy, then don't buy a V8. That simple. I work to make money, I could care less if I have to fill up every 2 days. I drive what I like, donr care about performance, don't care what others think it looks like, don't care what gas mileage is, I drive it because I like to drive it