Me and a coworker had a debate about how many trucks ford sells. He says it because they don't last. I disagree. What is everyone's thoughts?

Me and a coworker had a debate about how many trucks ford sells. He says it because they don't last. I disagree. What is everyone's thoughts? - 1

Sales are NOT based on unreliability - your coworkeer is douche and an idiot.

Ford = Junk

Let me go out to my 2000 Ford F-250 and see if it's ready to be retired. It's my daily driver. All the Chevy and GMC drivers where I work have trucks less than 3 years old. That speaks for itself.

Lot of bias out there as many whom do not admire Ford will try and find reasons to put it down. Selling more form a particular maker is normally a sign they are wanted by the buyers. A bad rep. Not lasting etc would see sales fall not be high.
so reality is very likely opposite but do bear in mind there may be other factors at work. E.g. No support locally for a different make /model. Prices? Deals such as trade in and so on. All play a part in why a buyer will purchase from one rather than another.
so not straight forward to answer but overall it looks as though you are correct. Possibly your co-worker is one of those that simply are biased against Ford?

Hmm… Just about every old-Chevy-pickup owner I can think of has replaced most if not all of his engine, but most of the old-Ford-pickup owners I know have had to do comparatively little maintenance over the years…

If Ford made junk, they would only be around if they got bailed out by the government like Chevy did.

Tell your debater friend that Ford Builds Trucks. Your debater friend will probably retort that Ford means fix or repair daily when you retort back that Ford means first on race day.

Thoughts? You obviously have access to the internet so why the hell don't you just do a search for how many Ford Trucks were made in a given year?

The F-150 is THE most popular selling vehicle in the US, and has been for years. If his don't last, it's because he doesn't take care of them.