Can I get a license without a permit in CT?
I'm 19. I had my permit for 2 years but I let it expire without renewing it or going for my license because I couldn't afford either at the time. My dad and I went to the DMV to ask if someone over the age of 18 who previously had a permit could take the license test without an unexpired permit and they said yes.
I just want to make sure that I can on here because I don't have a number to call and that visit was a year ago. When I told my friends my plan they thought I was lied to. I don't want to have to retake the permit test and wait the allotted time to get my license. Not only can I not afford it but that's stupid and wrong- I would have renewed my permit if I knew I'd have to retake the permit test.
I got my permit when I was 16. It expired about 8 months ago. They can't possibly believe I'd have forgotten the rules of the road after having drove around for 2 years. I need to get my license so I can get a car and drive myself to my two jobs this summer.
Well you would need a valid permit to take a drivers test.So I would call the DMV again to make sure
WHY would the people at the DMV office LIE to you, Snowflake?
To get a license you have to show you can drive and without a permit you can't drive, so no.
But they didn't lie, "without an unexpired permit"means your permit is valid after all.
If it is expired now, renew it before you test, problem solved.
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