Libs: what piece of evidence do you think most corroborates Christine Ford's accusations?

Libs: what piece of evidence do you think most corroborates Christine Ford's accusations?

Cuz she said so

The coverup is always worse than the crime. What was the "President" hiding by limiting the investigation to 6 people? Why didn't the FBI question Ford, Kavanaugh and 40plus other people who came forward? Why was there only one copy in a secure room for 50 senators to read in one day one at a time? I guess we will find out at the OPEN impeachment hearings.

Kavanaugh's reaction to her charges is probably the most damning "evidence". Whether he's a sex assaulter or not, he proved himself to be a paranoid partisan during his interview and that's not what SCOTUS is supposed to be about. At least Ruth Bader Ginsberg apologized for making overt political statements. Kavanaugh has yet to do so (and as a result will have to recuse himself from any case that has a political tone to it). When we can't even trust SCOTUS to be unbiased we've lost the last bastion of moderation in our government.