How much horsepower do my racing stripes add to my car?

I'd guess at around 50 but I was wondering if any car guys know the exact number. My car is a 2004 Ford Ka


Does it have super sweet rims or just sweet rims?

I don't know that much about cars. I'm just answering this to ask a question sry

Your an idiot, the answer is NONE.

They will take away around 0.03 horsepower because you are adding extra weight to the car by painting/wrapping it. If it was like that from the factory then the answer would be zero since its the only coat of paint its just a different color than the rest

Sorry, but your paint job effect on your cars engine power is nominal at best. Sure looks pretty bad ***.


Go faster stripes just make it look more sporty

Decals get you 15 horsepower…

They only help if it's a Mazda 3

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