Isn't it a shame Trump ordered his followers to intimidate and harass Dr Ford and prevent her from going back home?

Isn't it a shame Trump ordered his followers to intimidate and harass Dr Ford and prevent her from going back home?

Dr Ford is an attention seeking liar

Trump needs to get a sharp punch in his nose!

More lies from the left. You wonder why Trump is so successful?

Seriously Trump lies all of the time, and STILL you idiots on the left lie more than he does.

It's truly horrible he would do such a thing. My heart breaks for this victim of republican hate.

Deplorable is too kind of word to describe vile and disgusting Trump followers.

Says the one that sent death threats to Kavanaugh's wife.

She said she would move to New Zealand if Kavanaugh got confirmed. Why is she even still here? Does she think she's a celebrity which entitles her to go back on her promises?

She made a boat load of money destroying a mans reputation and now we find out, he is not the first one that she has claimed molested her in some manner.