Is it the spin of the century that libs refer to our 'doubting and questioning' Blasey-Ford as convicting and accusing?

Is it the spin of the century that libs refer to our 'doubting and questioning' Blasey-Ford as convicting and accusing?

No. I'm sure most women and most democrats believe Dr. Ford

Truth doesn't matter to libs. Only the steaming pile they love to wallow in.


You can't have it both ways. Attack her and pretend it's not an attack. The lies start to stack up.

I don't see any questions. But I do see alot of accusations and insinuatios all designed to cast doubt on her character, her truthfulness and even her sexual morals have been disparaged right here on this site.
Kavanaugh has every reason to lie and refuse to be questioned by the FBI on this matter. Ford, on the other hand has nothing to gain and everything to lose by lying. Why would she include witnesses if she was lying? Why is she the only one willing to talk to the FBI? That doesn't sound like a liar to me.

Trump is in full panic mode. He sees kavanough as his last hope to try to avoid the treason gallows for conspiring with Russian spies during his campaign. Trump refuses to reopen the background check so the FBI can do a thorough investigation of Fords allegations. It makes it look like trump and kavanough are hiding something. When will the republicans in congress stop being complicit with these traitors and impeach trump?

The belief that allegations are proof is asinine.