Is Ford's fear of flying bad enough that she should not be allowed on planes, for the safety of everyone, just in case she can't control?


She should be on the no fly lists

Write her a big enough check and that won't be a problem

She needs to be flown to an asylum

You've got Kavanaugh. You've got your stupid conservative justice for the next 30 years, ready to spew conservative nonsense from the bench after you're all gone to your graves.

What else do you want from Ford?

Yes, she should be banned from flying, she is a nutcase and most likely will freak out and become a clear and present danger!

Just give her a double-dose of Ativan. She'll be fine. Kavanaugh, on the other hand, should not be given alcohol under any circumstances on a flight - no woman would be safe.

Can't control herself? That sounds more like Kavanaugh! And Trump, and Sessions, and, and, and, and every other Republic-con that ever lived.

Absolutely. She shouldn't ever be allowed to fly again.

Yes, she might lose control and falsely accuse someone.