Is Dr. Ford a liar, liar, pants on fire?

Is Dr. Ford a liar, liar, pants on fire?


There's no smoke without fire.

If you say so. Can you point out a lie she told?

There's only one way to find out. Who's side is trump on? That side lied.

She is a bit loopy and buys her own delusion. The democrats using her as a pawn are the liars and crooks.

You have any evidence she is? How many of Kavanaugh's friends came out and said he was this really straight guy that never drank to excess? Oh right none.



No, she is a delusional psychotic with severe emotional problems too. Her story lacks all credibility.

I don't know if she is lying. But I know that if I have a case like hers and go to the police… Hmm… I don't think the police will take my case seriously or waste the resource to start an investigation. I was assaulted but I don't remember when it happened, I don't remember where it happened. I don't know how I got there or how I left the place. There were 3 other people there with me but they don't recall that they were there with me! But believe me, I was assaulted by that guy there.

I'm 28, when i was in high school just 13 years ago i went to parties all the time, so did a heck of a lot of the rest the school 9th-12th grade. Sumtimes every friday night after football games. This shit happened all the time, girls and guys alike would drink to excess, underage most of the time, and do stupid shit, immoral and unfringed behavior. Never once to my knowledge did any actual sexual assualt or anything even remotely close ever occur. When people do things that they feel ashamed about (especially when they r young) sumtimes they lie to try and avoid the guilt ridden anguish that accompanies the fact that they simply made a drunken or stupid mistake. I believe facts and evidence… Not people… People lie 100% of the time, nobody is perfect.

Shit… I lied right there i'm not 28

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