Is Christine Ford now in deep trouble for lying under oath?

Is Christine Ford now in deep trouble for lying under oath?


She will be. No one would touch that hag

Stuff it.

She should be held accountable but Liberals would raise hell if she was.

The FBI investigation is show that right now.

NOPE; She will be worth a ton of money, book deals, movies, and guest appearances on the nightly trash talk shows. I don't think she had to take an oath, did she? If she did then how is it going to be proven that she lied? She's one of those who are in the bucket of Swamp people.

There's no evidence that she lied under oath, just as there's no evidence that Brett Kavanaugh lies under oath. The FBI investigation this week will give us more answers hopefully.

No, because she didn't lie.

Prove her wrong. Not just your opinion where you tell us your emotions, but prove her wrong.

If it can be proven when this circus is over that she did perjure herself before Congress, then I hope justice is swift. Further, I hope the American people take note of the depths to which the liberals are prepared to stoop just to keep their power on the high court.

For all the idiots on here saying that she didn't lie, you are in denial and you are stupid tom the core. This fake attention seeker has just set back abused women 50 years when it comes to sexual assault She lied multiple times. She gave advice to a close friend on how to take a polygraph test, she lied when she said she was scared of flying, she lied about knowing Brett Kav and she lied about her shrink report, she lied about needing to have a second door fitted in her house claiming the trauma of the assault made her claustrophobic These have all been proven with witnesses and factual evidence to be big fat lies. Facts matter in the real world