In the hearing today, did Dr Ford seem like someone who was part of a political conspiracy?

In the hearing today, did Dr Ford seem like someone who was part of a political conspiracy?

Absolutely not. She was very believable.

Please… This circus tent is already bursting at the "seems"…

Seem? She is the star of the conspiracy, and that star is waning fast.That's why the wheeled out a few new 'starlets'.


However she did seem like a nervous woman who has suffered from PTSD and needs a lot of outside support.
Compared to Dr. Anita Hill who was like a rock testifying about Clarence Thomas.
Two different women, two different personalities.
Ford looks like a victim whereas Hill always looked like a successful warrior.

She didn't seem like she was part of a conspiracy, but it was painfully obvious that Senator Feinstein and her democrats used Dr Ford in a political shell game to try to stall the nomination process until after the midterms.

She was obviously mentally ill and as such was ideal for the democrats to use as a puppet, she has had regular psychiatric treatment for decades and those people can really screw your memory up, if I had been the mifchell woman acting for the republicans I would have delved into her mental history, insane people can be VERY convincing


Not at all, she is telling the truth.