In Kavanaugh V Ford Does Presumption of innocence mean the Accuser is not to be believed until her case is proven?

In Kavanaugh V Ford Does Presumption of innocence mean the Accuser is not to be believed until her case is proven?

Added (1). Is this a difficult question to answer?

Not if you are Democrat nor typical Fake News editorial syndicate.

Yes, that is exactly what it means. It means her testimony is weighed for its credibility and given its proper weight in court. Ford's credibility is a rotten-tire-fueled dumpster fire. So yeah, Kavanaugh is innocent until proven guilty against a CREDIBLE accuser.

Against Ford… He's just innocent and she's a political hose beast trying to hide the fact that she doesn't remember WHO assaulted her, if anyone, because she was too drunk and too promiscuous to be able to tell one from another throughout the 80s.

It is not a criminal trial. I may be a chance to contrast the Democratic lifestyle with the Trump style.

Not to worry the demacrats will pay another to accuse him.

If it was a criminal trial, then there would be no way I could consider voting to convict him on the evidence I saw - but if it was a case of judging someone for the top job he wants, I'm not so sure. On balance of probabilities, I think something untoward did happen there