If you believe Dr. Ford and not Judge Kavanaugh, what evidence has convinced you of his guilt?
Be specific as to the evidence that has been presented.
Was it the corroboration from the witnesses she named?
Was it her impeccable memory of the incident and the consistent way she's told the story, named locations, and given dates?
Was it how she mentioned the assault years ago in therapy and named Judge Brett Kavanaugh as her assailant, on record, and has provided verifiable proof that she's always said it was him?
Or was it because a woman made a claim against a political figure you don't like and facts don't matter as long as you get your way?
I don't believe Ford.
You shouldn't confuse liberals with sarcastic wit. It isn't fair.
You sound like an angry white man.
Ford is lying and her and her lawyers are part of the Resistance against Trump. Her lawyer Katz is on Soros's payroll. This lawyer has been photographed at anti Trump protests wearing t shirts that promote Socialism.
1) Dr. Ford stands to lose a lot.
Dr. Ford destroyed her life to testify. She faced death threats. She had to change jobs and get a new house. She faces intense media scrutiny, and for the rest of her life she will be hated by conservatives.
2) There's a lot of evidence
She also spoke with her a therapist about the assault in the summer of 2012. There's affidavit testimony from multiple accusers. Dr. Ford's friends testified that they believed her. Kavanaugh's friends testified that they believed her. His friends also testified that he lied to Congress.
3) The majority of victims don't report their assault.
Only 1 in 3 sexual assaults are reported, so it is statistically more likely that Dr. Ford would NOT have come forward immediately after the attack.
She has proven to be a liar
He is not guilty of anything
His behavior has a pattern to it. Look at his wife. She tells it all just sitting there.
Most men that don't believe her are generally that same kind of men. Insecure and desperate.
I believe the judge he likes beer.
- Would it help Judge Kavanaugh if I claimed that I had touched drunk Ms. Ford back in 1982 and not him? Like Ms. Ford I have no proof either. So we're even on that. And she says she was dead drunk, so she doesn't know who really touched her. I will take one for the team, since the statutes of limitations have ran out 29 years ago. Make America great again!
- If Graham is so upset about people making charges without evidence then why is he accusing Ford of lying without any evidence and the DNC? "putting her up to it" with no evidence for that claim either? Privately? Why? These are public hearings and a lifelong appointment. If somebody's going to speak up they'd better do it now.
- Has the power of Leftist Propaganda made everyone forget that Judge Kavanaugh has been a Champion of Women? Does the Left prefer Teddy "Chappaquiddick" Kennedy given they reelected him 7 times in memory of Mary Jo Kopechne? Is it more proof that Hollywood, the Press and the Silicone Valley control the minds of too many? Didn't 75 Women of both Parties come out before Christine Ford to say how they support him?