If the Cons arrest Dr.Ford for perjury, won't her defense have an opportunity to subpeona all of the witnesses?
That the Republicans didn't want her to subpeona?
You can't prove perjury here and no one is going to arrest her.
Yes, and in Kavanaughs civil suit against her launched when he's a Supreme Court justice.
Loser democrats have nothing left but "ifs". The lack of paying attention to yesterday proves democrats really don't care for the truth.
I would like you to try and PROVE perjury. I'm a Democrat, and this whole thing is ridiculous. I don't agree with Kavanaugh and his beliefs, but the process was asinine.
She is not going to be arrested
I see no reason to do that. Do you know why? Because we'd have to * prove * she lied and that would be impossible. Therefore, it's a waste of time.
Kind of like having to prove something else… If only I could think of what it was.
Ford lied and looked completely incredulous in her testimony and answering questions. Her lapses of sanity and memory proves she couldn't remember her prefabricated script brought to her by the democrats.
- Why are Cons complaining about Ford when they personally invited all of Clinton's no-evidence accusers to sit behind Hillary during? Their ginned up Benghazi hearings? … Or maybe that was their ginned up email accusations. … Sorry it was the debate. What a slimy good for nothing tactic by the GOP.
- Christine Blasey Ford says. She has no idea where, when ( not even a year ) but says her witnesses will back her up, now those 4 say? Sorry, Don't know here, never met her. Since grandstanding liberal politicians couldn't wait to get in front of the mic and say she's telling the truth and they believe her, will they now do the same to the witnesses she named who say "nope, never met her"?