If Dr. Ford made up her accusation about Judge Kavanaugh why would she ask the FBI to investigate it (lying to the FBI is a federal crime)?
If Dr. Ford made up her accusation about Judge Kavanaugh why would she ask the FBI to investigate it (lying to the FBI is a federal crime)?
The FBI should investigate. An unindicted co-conspirator has no business nominating anyone to the Supreme Court.
She wouldn't.
Ford's accusations are too vague to be called lies. They are meaningless. This is an orchestrated stall.
Because she is the DNC's patsy to stall a confirmation hearing.
She knows the FBI doesn't investigate juvenile accusations 36 years after the fact with large parts of the story missing. LOL
Stalling tactic to get any vote delayed until after the election, to keep alive their pipe dream of impeaching a duly-elected president for nothing more than politics. Mueller has nothing, Woodward admits he looked for two years and couldn't find any collusion (his book bashes Trump for everything else but nothing but speculation when it comes to Russia), they have nothing. But if they can get this put off until next year, it will be a big win for them.
The FBI doesn't investigate state crimes. The FBI investigates federal crimes. Dr. Ford could report the alleged crime to the Maryland police if she was concerned about opening an investigation. Asking the FBI to investigate her claims is pure grandstanding and doesn't prove her claims to be true.
No one knows if it is true or not. You can't just assume the guy is guilty because you disagree with his politics. That would be stupid.
She knows that this is not a case for the FBI it is for local Police in the town where it allegedly happened. She still has filed no police report and it is beginning to become clear that this is nothing more than a political hit job by the Democrats. Hill/Thomas were Federal employees and it allegedly happened on Federal property so yes that is within the FBI's jurisdiction.
She just has to bring the police reports with her Thursday morning and he will step down… You're saying she doesn't have any
I was sexually harassed and then some years ago when I worked for The Federal Government. I saw a counselor for quite some time, I named names of men involved. I went to court. He said she said, I lost my case. But I remember to this day, location, how I got there, how I got home, etc… Dr. Ford remembers having one beer at 15 years of age, but not the location, not how she got there not how she got home… Really? I think Dr. Ford was sexually assaulted sometime in her life, but not by Brett Kavanaugh. She never mentioned names to counselor in private? Really? Her Best Friend said it never happened. Her best friend. Sorry, but from someone (me) who went through anger, upset, humiliation years ago, I think Dr. Ford needs more counseling. Brett Kavanaugh I do not believe did anything to her.
- Libs keep saying the FBI needs to investigate Kavanaugh but what is there to investigate? Ford has already named witnesses and none of them know what she is talking about. What other "evidence" could there possibly be 36 years later for an incident where no sex or injuries or property damage occurred?
- If the Ford case isn't a Federal crime why would the FBI investigate? They only investigate backgrounds, which they have done on Kavanaugh 6 times, and Federal crimes. This isn't one.
- If lying to the FBI is a crime why does Dr. Christine Blasey Ford want to talk to them but Brett Kavanaugh doesn't? - 1 If lying to the FBI is a crime why does Dr. Christine Blasey Ford want to talk to them but Brett Kavanaugh doesn't?
- If Ford really thought she was assaulted then why hasn't she contacted the Maryland police, they said last week they would investigate? If she did. Wouldn't that have but a crimp in Kavanaugh's confirmation to be the subject of a criminal investigation for sexual assault? Why hasn't she reported it to the police?