IF Dr Ford is telling the truth should Kavanaugh be confirmed anyway?
IF Dr Ford is telling the truth should Kavanaugh be confirmed anyway?
He would be impeached for perjury by a Democrat Senate.
I hope so. I LOVE spectacle!
She will soon break down and admit she lied but was pressured by the Democrat operatives.
There's no doubt she is lying.
Plus there's no way to fix the date of the attack and no witnesses. Ford should be prosecuted for lying to federal officials and defamation of character.
I believe so if for no other reason than to discourage the Left's use of underhanded tactics and dirty tricks.
If that's the only way the Libs can gain a " victory ", it sure doesn't say much for the party.
This many years after the alleged incident there's no way in west-hell for anyone to know who is telling the truth. Any person with a lick of sense has already stamped this with, "Nothing to see here, folks, move along." I really don't see how politicians can sleep at night and look at themselves in the mirror.
Sexual assault and a gambling addiction are not assets. No.
- If Blasey-Ford is telling the truth, she could instantly annihilate Kavanaugh with one, short BRAIN-SCAN LIE DETECTOR session. Of course, if? She's lying, she'd be the laughingstock of the century. And these MRI's are very, very accurate. Why won't she just demand they BOTH take one? I mean, since she isn't lying. .
- How do the people that chased Ted Cruz out of that DC restaurant know Ford is telling the truth? They were yelling "we believe survivors" at Cruz. How do they know she is telling the truth?