If Dr. Ford didn't pay for her polygraph then who did pay for it?

If Dr. Ford didn't pay for her polygraph then who did pay for it?

Democrats. Its not hard to figure out that they thought they had a way to deny Trump a Supreme Court pick.

Guess. It would be accurate.

She said she didn't know. She just did the test like the good little leftist she is. Amazing.

What do you care?

How did you spend your last $100? None of my business?

Democrats Paid for it and they paid him enough to skew the results.


The stock answer is "the lawyer was working on a pro bono basis"… Meaning he didn't charge Ford for his services… That, of course, doesn't mean he wasn't PAID for his services…

but then again… Not being able to think on that level would certainly be consistent with those who can't recognize the distinction between "allegation" and "charge" or "claim" and "fact"… Wouldn't it?

Democrats might want to pay for it to bolster her claim and republicans might want to pay for it to debunk it. It's a risk either way if you fail it. Frankly you would have to review the actual lie detector data to dismiss the fact she passed it no matter who paid for it. Average people like her have limited resources so she's going to be getting money from somewhere to pay all the extra security, and legal fees she is incurring.