If Christine Blasey Ford is telling the truth of all the different versions she told which one is correct?

If Christine Blasey Ford is telling the truth of all the different versions she told which one is correct?

She passed a polygraph (lie detector) test about her sexual assault. I find it interesting that Kavanaugh seems so terrified of this investigation.

We don't know.

Something happened somewhere, some time and someone might have been there, but no one knows where, when or who.

Just a FYI, Ford's ( so called polygraph ) consisted of a whopping 2 questions.

She has been completely consistent. Kavanaugh is the one who can't keep his story straight.

She is pathological liar like Hillary Clinton.

She has been consistent throughout and she passed a polygraph. She appeared calm but said she was scared to death. However, she felt it was her civic duty to come forth and tell her story. She is an independent voter and doesn't belong to either party. I have no doubt that Dr. Ford was telling the truth.

Kavanaugh got caught telling whoppers. He was shaky, twitchy and sweaty. He yelled, cried, screamed dodged questions and attempted to distract. He was evasive; carried on ranting about beer at least 3 dozen times. What was that all about?

He arrogantly yelled that he wasn't going to be interviewed by the FBI because they just "do 302s, that's just 302s it means nothing".

How do you know if Ford is lying?

When her mouth is open.

If you had actually watched her testimony you would know that she told one version of the truth.