If Blasey-Ford refuses to testify Monday, no problem. Continue the investigation AFTER the confirmation vote. Why hurry either?

If Blasey-Ford refuses to testify Monday, no problem. Continue the investigation AFTER the confirmation vote. Why hurry either?

Yes, continue the witch hunt. Pathetic.

Take the vote on Monday if she doesn't show.

There's no non-political reason to rush the confirmation.

There's nothing TO investigate. Charges have to be legally filed to prompt an investigation. In this time-wasting situation, charges CAN'T be filed because she waited 35 YEARS & the legal Statute of Limitations have long-since expired. The Statue of Limitations laws were made to protect people from situations exactly like this.

Because the Court's Fall Term starts on October 1 and the Right desperatley wants Kavanaugh to be on the bench by then

The GOP had no problem leaving a SCOTUS seat open for 14 months during the Obama administration, yet for some reason, a couple of weeks delay is somehow unacceptable today.

There comes a time when there's a limit to coddling liberals. The pampered little darings act like they have a right to cheat, steal and lie to get their way.