I understand Kavanaugh ultimately got in but why did it take so long?

And why isn't Dr Ford locked up for lying?

We need more gop November

Democrats tried to stall it

Well maybe she should get a trial first?

crazy thought I know

Dr. Ford was not on trial and you have NO clue as to what the truth is.

Lock her up? Is that what you really think should happen? Oh you ******* hypocrite.

He's not in yet.

The reason she is not locked up is the *same* reason he is getting confirmed: nobody anywhere will (or can) ever know for sure if she is telling the truth or not.

That would be AWESOME if they charged Ford with perjury. Her attorneys would have wide latitude with discovery (obtaining Kavanaugh's witness-tampering emails, for example) and there would actually be a proper investigation done where they actually interview corroborating witnesses…

Same reason why you're not locked up for posting false information.

Where are your facts, Trumptard?

Like the police, women are allowed to lie, in legal matters.
On the same level as a woman can hit a man, but not vice versa.

There's no proof it didn't happen and no proof it did happen. So it is an unsubstantiated accusation which law enforcement has nothing to look into.