I thought Christine Ford has a job, so how can she take all of this time off to promote her 36 year old story and drive round trip?

From California to Washington DC?

All the more reason to believe her. She's making a huge sacrifice to do this. But to answer your question, someone is probably covering her classes.

She has raised over $200,000 on go fund me.

i'm sure she will be fine.

Someone must be paying her

It's nothing more than a democrat funded vacation for her.
The democrats will treat anyone to a free vacation for performing a character assassination on any Republican.

She might lose a few clients if she commits perjury.

There's something called vacation hours

You never heard of "taking time off for personal business"

She has been bought and paid for. By the Progressive Socialist left.

Besides, her witnesses she said she had have all come forward to say… They don't even know her, nor met her. Her mere word is all she has and appears that is all liberals need. That in itself is more than enough to get the nation more ticked off at the dems than they were in 16' when they told Hillary to get to packin'.

The Democraps are footing ALL of her expenses.