I think Doctor Christine Blasey Ford should be on the Supreme Court? - 1
No offense to old people but I don't think Ruth will be there much longer
She doesn't know the law. Another dum bass liberal idea.
Lol. That would make for an interesting court!
Well then, it's a good thing you aren't in charge!
Ruth is planning to hold on as long as possible and to die in the saddle.
More power to her.
As for Ford, she is not a lawyer and has no judicial experience. She'd be much better at analyzing the psyches of the little Trumpkins here. She'd have some quite expert and interesting things to say about them, I'm sure.
She could model designer adult-diapers for other loose-boweled democrats.
She could hallucinate her rulings.
Why should she be there?
Because she made an accusation against another nominee?
Her credentials and experience don't qualify her for the position at all, and all the recent problems whihc create a clear bias.
The Wingnut con rubber stamping court would have more legitimacy if Wilbur the counting horse was a justice.
She has the experience
- Has left wing liar Christine Ford sealed Judge Kavanaugh's appointment to the US Supreme Court for 35 years of conservative rulings? President Trump will have another nomination to send to the Senate when Ginsburg leaves. We now have the lowest women's, black and Hispanic unemployment in US history. Democrats can no longer bully women around because of President Trump Stevie Nicks has come back from retirement. Vote Republican in November My Class of 1973
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