I'm so sick of this smear champaign on the pure innocent Brett Kavanaugh. I feel sorry for what ford went threw, this is all bs! Right?

I'm so sick of this smear champaign on the pure innocent Brett Kavanaugh. I feel sorry for what ford went threw, this is all bs! Right?

Why would you feel sorry for Ford when she made up the whole story with the help of her lawyers to try to stop President Trump?

Do you really think it's a coincidence that she left out any details that could be verified?

I feel sorry what she went through and I believe here but this joke of a circus show needs to end. Clear his good me, end these sham and outrageous accusations

She's a liar. Looking for a big payout from book deals, talk show circuit, made for TV movies etc.

Does it matter? I don't think I have heard of a case where republican males are at fault when there are complaints of sexual misconduct from women. It's always the woman fault.

Right. BS all the way

Revelations of the mind tell me
you are a troll
innocence is dead, and purity is dying
neither you nor him, are exempt from consequences of the past, present, and future

Dian feinstein should be ashamed of herself for what she has done