I have a Ford ignition key with a chip in it Can I immerse the key in salt water?

I have a Ford ignition key with a chip in it Can I immerse the key in salt water?

I would not immerse it in any water.
One of my electronic keys (not a Ford) stopped working when I accidentally washed it.

It worked again when the dealer replaced the battery

Yes, you can, but if you use hydrochloric acid instead the result will be quicker and more certain. The sodium ions just sort of get in the way.

Better yet, try rocket science. Why settle for corrosion, when with slight added effort you can have explosions! Your key will instantly fail, totally and completely.

What exactly is your intention of doing so?

Yes, being immersed in water won't harm it, but I don't know why you'd want to.

I live three miles from the Gulf of Mexico and spend a lot of time in and on it.
Sometimes it's easier for me to take my car keys with me

Sure you can… However that's not a good idea!

Only if you want to ruin it.

The chip is sealed, dummy. Saltwater isn't going to do anything but slowly rust the exposed metal.

"Can" you? Sure…

But I wouldn't recommend it…

Yes you can. I did a thorough search and there's no law against it anywhere.