I have a ford galaxy zetec TDCI automatic 2.0l diesel 2008. I want to know the car s gearbox transmission fluid capacity?

I have a ford galaxy zetec TDCI automatic 2.0l diesel 2008. I want to know the car s gearbox transmission fluid capacity?

You fill it till it starts coming out of the sump, that's when you know its at the right level… Can't give you specifics on the volume, just its at the right level when it starts to comeback out.

Try a auto part store they'll be able to tell you

If the transmission is a "sealed" unit, it is best to use the service manual for the car or get a dealer or Ford specialist to replace the fluid. If it is not and the car has a dipstick, drain the fluid in a catch container. Measure the amount of fluid. Put the same amount of fluid back. Top off if required.

Hi so as it is filled through a hole on the side of the gearbox with a quart container it makes no difference how much it uses as you need to keep filling it till it leaks out again.