How Would You Rank The Presidents?

I had a week to myself a few months back, so I decided to take the time and rank all the Presidents. I excluded Taylor, Harrison, Garfield, and Trump because they all didn't serve even a half a term in office. Here's the list so far. Feel free to offer some criticism and share your opinions.

Abraham Lincoln
George Washington
Thomas Jefferson
Franklin Roosevelt
Theodore Roosevelt
Harry Truman
John F. Kennedy
Dwight Eisenhower
John Q. Adams
Ulysses S. Grant
John Adams
James Monroe
James Madison
Jimmy Carter
Lyndon Johnson
Chester A. Arthur
Grover Cleveland
James K. Polk
Gerald Ford
George Hhomework Bush
Benjamin Harrison
Herbert Hoover
Calvin Coolidge
Warren G. Harding
William H. Taft
Rutherford B. Hayes
Martin Van Buren
Andrew Jackson
Richard Nixon
Ronald Reagan
Barack Obama
George W. Bush
Bill Clinton
William McKinley
Woodrow Wilson
Millard Fillmore
John Tyler
James Buchanan
Franklin Pierce
Andrew Johnson.

Since I don't have a week I'll just give my top ten picks: Abraham Lincoln, Barack Obama, Harry S.Truman, Franklin Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Jimmy Cater, Bill Clinton, Ulysses S. Grant, Theodore Roosevelt, Lyndon Johnson

Nixon was a traitor and the worst

I might have a quibble here and there, but your list looks pretty good.

  • Why do Presidents live so long? Do they get better healthcare than normal people? Jimmy Carter is 94 and still alive, George H.W. Bush died at 94, Gerald Ford died at 93, Ronald Raegan lived to 93. How come they live so long? Most normal people die at like 80-85, sometimes late 70s. So why are they living so long? Obama will probably make it to 100.
  • What was presidents Ford most major accomplishment? I have two but I don't know which is better RESIDENT FORD AMELIORATED THE ENERGY CRISIS OF THE 1970S or HIS ECONOMIC POLICIES ENDED RECESSION IN THE UNITED STATES do you eyes have any other that seem better or which is better?
  • How would you rank the post-WWII Presidents based on their foreign policies? What Presidents since WWII have had the best and worst foreign policies? My list Harry Truman Dwight Eisenhower John F. Kennedy Jimmy Carter Bill Clinton George Hhomework Bush Ronald Reagan Barack Obama Gerald Ford Richard Nixon George W. Bush Lyndon Johnson Didn't rank the current POTUS because he's only served half a term.
  • How Would You Rank All The Presidents Since FDR? My list would be Franklin Roosevelt Dwight Eisenhower Harry Truman John F. Kennedy Jimmy Carter Lyndon Johnson Barack Obama Bill Clinton Gerald Ford George Hhomework Bush Ronald Reagan Donald Trump George W. Bush Richard Nixon