How would you rank the post-WWII Presidents based on their foreign policies?

What Presidents since WWII have had the best and worst foreign policies?

My list

Harry Truman
Dwight Eisenhower
John F. Kennedy
Jimmy Carter
Bill Clinton
George Hhomework Bush
Ronald Reagan
Barack Obama
Gerald Ford
Richard Nixon
George W. Bush
Lyndon Johnson

Didn't rank the current POTUS because he's only served half a term.

Ronald Reagan ended the Cold War without firing a shot, and you put him after Clinton and Carter?!

Your bias is silly.

I'd put Reagan lower. The Iran Contra scandal was a foreign policy disaster.

As a conservative, I'm split between JFK and Reagan.

If you're expecting liberals in here to actually research or even crack a history book, you're dreaming.

Harry Truman (Marshall Plan; Korean War)
Ronald Reagan (ended the Soviet Union; restored America's standing)
Richard Nixon (got us out of Vietnam; recognized China)
George Hhomework Bush (Desert Storm, employed Powell Doctrine)
Gerald Ford (nothing)
George W. Bush (Iraqi Freedom, did not employ Powell Doctrine)
Dwight Eisenhower (Iranian coupe)
Bill Clinton (wag-the-dog distractions in Balkans)
Barack Obama (Benghazi fiasco; started Syrian conflict; Great Apologizer)
John F. Kennedy (got us in Vietnam; Kruschev was the hero of Cuban Missile Crisis not JFK)
Lyndon Johnson (kept us in Vietnam)
Jimmy Carter (Iran hostage crisis; bullied by Soviets)

You spelled POTUS wrong. Trump is the POS.

So, Truman gets the Best score for Korea, but Johnson gets Worst for Vietnam?

Jimma Carta is fourth best? Hostages? Failed attempt to rescue?

Reagan gets elected, and the hostages get released before he takes office, because Iran knew they were about to get a lesson on how to make Glass out of Sand,

Nah, you're not partisan Biased. Not much.