How to take off my throttle position sensor? Screws stuck?

I have a 1991 mercury cougar which is a part of the ford family. Forums say that the screws are glued in the factory. Is this true and I only have a screwdriver which I can't put leverage in because she it is in a tight Space. And I can't put torch in there

You do have an over-sized screwdriver? It may be time to buy one. You can get more leverage with a long, thick screwdriver.

It is not a question of how but a question of why young grasshopper

If that switch is on the throttle body, you might have ot take the throttle body off to get a better angle on it… The throttle body is not too hard to take off.

They don't want you unscrewing those screws. Obsess about something else. How about the fuel filter?

The TPS is very easy to test. Buy a $10. Analog multimeter from any hardware chain, put it on the Ohms scale, un-plug the sensor and check both side of it's variable resistance. Chances are very good that the TPS is fine and you should really just tell us what kind of problem you're having so that we can give you some real help.