How much money did Christine Ford get paid to write the letter she gave to Feinstein?

How much money did Christine Ford get paid to write the letter she gave to Feinstein?

A liberal professor from California. She likely volunteered to make up these allegations for free.

Trying to spread fake news again? She had nothing to gain and a lot to lose.

Nothing, Sir Trollalot.

I'm not aware of any suggestion that she was paid. What is the source for your implication/smear?

30 pieces of Silver.

15 bitcoin

She'll get paid afterwards with a speaking tour and book about it. She will probably get a million advance just for the book.

Probably nothing. She's just another deranged leftist on a mission to install communism in america. Obviously. Doesn't matter if you cheat lie bear false witness and steal to these pieces of human garbage, they'll justify anything to get their way.

1 million Trump tokens.

Probably nothing… She's a Shrillery and DNC power-donor

$700,000 so far.